

Feb 08

Dukes of Dice – Ep. 78 – Machi to be Desired

This episode the Dukes … 

… Discuss recent plays of German Railroads Expansion for Russian Railroads, Grand Austria Hotel, Camel Up, and the Lord of the Rings LCG (7:35);

… Discuss the latest board game news including the announcement of Zev Schalsinger joining WizKids, the new expansion for Dominion, Dominion: Empires and, the Kickstarter for Medici (14:37);

… Announce their Top 6 Anticipated Games of 2016 (22:06); 

… Look back at their review of Machi Koro in their Dukes’ Doubletake (41:30); and

… Discuss the Magic Circle (53:08).


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from Dukes of Dice http://ift.tt/1Qn6wrL

1 comment

  1. champalaune

    Bonjour from France,

    A lot of concern about ASMODAY and its hegemony,

    first , ASMODAY is a familly company created by MARC NUNES and two friends , they love games,
    they began with RPG in 1983 about .
    Marc NUNES , the boss loves boardgames and they creates last two years SPACE COWBOWS for gettings good games,

    CROC is one of the SPACE TEAM , you will see one of its TIME STORIES scenario in june !!
    he is a well-known french creator of RPG in France ( INS , bitume) and creator of Boardgames (claustrophobia),

    All this to say you the team of ASMODAY like games !!!

    don’t be afraid to get bad games in the futur because it is not the tendency with ASMODAY,

    christ from France

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